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This new addition of 10/20/02 gives us an overview of the entire three-volume series in the Convergence material.PROLOGUE: THE VOICE OF THE VISIONARIES
It’s not as hopeless as you might think – in fact, it might just be perfect.
 You are about to read an organized collection of thoughts that you may havehad at various times in your life, but perhaps could never quite fully integrate.Chances are, you will also find many things in this book that you have neverseen before, and which will utterly dazzle you. Hence, you can step out of thewaiting room, as this next phase of your own personal initiation has justbegun. The scroll that is about to unfold before you will resonate deep within,triggering ancient memories from before the time that you were born, givingyou the keys to regaining your own freedom in a world that is increasinglybecoming a perceptual prison of fear and anxiety.We live in an age where tiny snippets of information perpetually rise and fallin everyone’s life, blowing about with the futility of a rain of confetti – andwithout the proper context to put them into a framework of some kind, theyare simply swept away on the winds of tomorrow. And then, if they areremembered, the specific references are generally sacrificed to dim, murkyhearsay, through toxic words like “They” or “that study” or “I read,” whichthen emerge as, “Did you hear about
that study 
found that thelight speed barrier was broken?
I read 
about it a while ago.” We have beenconditioned to automatically nod our heads in agreement when the almighty “They” are invoked. “Oh wow… I didn’t know that
had done that!” Well,who is “They?” What study? Read it where? This fast-and-loose informationgame works temporarily with an open-minded person when hearing newconcepts similar to what we shall be presenting in this book series, but wemust remember that there is a far mightier “They” that has enslaved theminds of most people – the consensus of mainstream thought. If you arereading these words slowly enough, then you’ll probably end up thinking aboutthis concept, and how it has affected you and those around you, for days.Which is good.
(Sometimes we will still need to use the word “they” to define a certain subset of people, such as the alternative science community, or a particular group of non-physical beings once named, or in discussing a particular study once thenames have been given. We will capitalize the word “They” and surround it with quotation marks when using it in the context we have just mentioned.)
 Ultimately, it appears that the subconscious gravitates towards the word “They” as it is a soft, comfortable substitute for God; deep inside, everyperson longs to be connected to the source of their being, and thereforewishes to have a source of omniscience to draw from that he or she “knows isright.” However, let us recognize the paradoxical mind-split that this situationhas created, once and for all. We ultimately want to use the word “They” toinvoke God’s presence, but since the Renaissance,
science has boldly attempted to remove God from all “rational thinking
” through Pierre Simon deLaplace’s concept of “logical positivism.” This is how “They” of Science havecome to automatically assume that God is irrelevant to the quest for truth.Scientists believe that this quest for truth is best accomplished by the
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Dear David, Thank you for your monumental work of synthesis the information is so wide ranging and diverse you have put so many disparate peieces of the puzzle together for me in one shimmering whole!, A work of genius! May the healing of the catastrophic rift between science and essential religion/ spirit be healed now by now! It has made us and our civilization 'sick unto death". Alan Rycroft

Incredible piece of work. It is going to take a long time to digest but will get started. Thanks!

quote: 'before we discuss cown, we must start with gann' (p. 300 - william d. gann)

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